#myOCD Warning: Make sure you apply these additions to a new Vagrant instance or one that isn’t running. (If your instance isn’t new you will need to read the section called “Changing existing Vagran…

If you’ve never used pip to install a package you love how simple it is, pip install <pkgName>1 For this short post I’ll use live output for the Ansible package upgrade, because hey I need to up…

Or “Where there’s a will, there’s a way…” TIL: That "Change Moratorium"'s (aka no changes allowed over a period) only seem to make people more creative in working around an organisations Change Manage…

First off, Dark Mode is beautiful. Nearly every app I use on a daily basis has embraced Mojave’s dark mode. Many of them already had a dark theme but Mojave’s system level adoption has just pushed it …